Thursday, December 22, 2011

Steps Can I do to Take care of My Feet?

Wash your feet in warm water every day:
Make sure the water is not hot by testing the temperature along with your elbow. Do not soak your feet. Dry your feet well, between your toes.

Look at your feet every day to check for cuts, sores, blisters, redness, calluses, or other problems:
Checking every day is even more important in case you have nerve destroy or poor blood flow. In case you cannot bend over or pull your feet up to check them, use a mirror. In case you cannot see well, ask somebody else to check your feet.

If your skin is dry, rub lotion on your feet after you wash and dry them: Do not put lotion between your toes.

File corns and calluses gently with an emery board or pumice stone: Drawing of a nail clipper and an emery board. Do this after your bath or shower.

Cut your toenails once a week or when needed:
Cut toenails when they are soft from washing. Cut them to the shape of the toe & not short. File the edges with an emery board.

Always wear slippers or shoes to protect your feet from injuries.

Always wear socks or stockings to avoid blisters:
Do not wear socks or knee-high stockings that are tight below your knee.

Wear shoes that fit well:
Shop for shoes at the finish of the day when your feet are bigger. Break in shoes slowly. Wear them one to two hours each day for the first few weeks.

Before putting your shoes on, feel the insides to make sure they have no sharp edges or objects that might injure your feet.

Monday, November 28, 2011

How can diabetes damage my feet?

High levels of glucose from diabetes causes two problems that can hurt your feet:

Nerve damage:

One problem is damage to nerves in the legs and feet. The nerves are damaged, can not feel pain, heat or cold in the legs and feet. A sore or wound in the foot may get worse because they know it's there. The lack of sensation is caused by nerve damage, also known as diabetic neuropathy. Nerve damage can lead to an ulcer or infection.

Poor blood flow

The second problem happens when not enough blood to the legs and feet. Poor blood flow makes it difficult for an ulcer or infection to heal. This problem is called peripheral vascular disease, also called peripheral vascular disease. Smoking when you have diabetes makes blood flow problems much worse.

For example, you get a blister from shoes that do not fit. You do not feel the pain of the blister due to damage to nerves in the foot. Next, the blister gets infected. If blood glucose is high, the extra glucose feeds the germs. Germs grow and the infection gets worse. Poor blood circulation in the legs and feet can slow healing. From time to time never heals a severe infection. The infection can cause gangrene. If a person has gangrene, the skin and tissue around painful death. The area becomes black and smelly.

To prevent the spread of gangrene, the doctor may have to do surgery to cut off a toe, foot, or part of a leg. The cutting of a body part is called an amputation.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Healthy Feet Diabetes Problems

Excess glucose in the blood for a long time can cause diabetes problems. This blood glucose, also called blood sugar can damage many body organs such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys. Heart and blood vessels can cause heart attacks and strokes. You can do much to prevent or delay diabetes problems.

This information is about feet and skin problems caused by diabetes. You'll learn things you can do each day and during each year to stay healthy and prevent diabetes problems.

High blood glucose can cause feet and skin problems.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What other eye problems that can happen to people with diabetes?

You can have two eyes for other problems, cataracts and glaucoma. People without diabetes can get these eye problems, too. However, people with diabetes get these problems more often and at an earlier age.


A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which is normally clear. The lens focuses light onto the retina. A cataract makes everything you look at seem cloudy. You need a surgery to remove the cataract. During surgery your lens is removed and a plastic lens, like a contact lens is placed in. The plastic lens remains in the eye all the time. Cataract surgery helps you see clearly.


Glaucoma starts from the pressure builds up in the eye. Over time, this pressure damages the eye's main nerve, optic nerve. The damage first causes you to lose sight of the sides of your eyes. The treatment of glaucoma is usually simple. Your doctor will give you special drops to use every day to lower the pressure in the eye. Or your eye care you may have laser surgery.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

About Diabetes Retina Problems and Know Retina Damage

About diabetes retina problems:

Keep blood glucose and blood pressure as normal as possible.
Your doctor may suggest laser treatment, when a beam of light is directed onto the retina of the damaged eye. The beam closes the vessels that bleed. You can stop the blood and fluid in the vitreous. Laser treatment can reduce the loss of sight.

If a large amount of blood that has seeped into your vitreous and your sight is poor, your eye doctor may recommend surgery called a vitrectomy. A vitrectomy removes blood and vitreous fluid of the eye. Then clean fluid is put back into the eye. Surgery can make your eyesight better.

know if I have retina damage from diabetes:

You may not have any signs of diabetes retina damage or you can have one or more signs:
  • blurred or double vision
  • rings, flashing lights or blind spots
  • dark spots or floating
  • pain or pressure in one or both eyes
  • trouble seeing things out of the corners of your eyes

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What happens when problems worsen diabetes retina?

As problems worsen diabetes retina, new blood vessels. These new blood vessels are weak. They break easily and leak blood into the vitreous of the eye. The blood keeps light from reaching the retina.

You may see floating spots or almost total darkness. Sometimes the blood will clear by itself. However, you may need surgery to remove it.

Over the years, the swollen and weak blood vessels can form scar tissue and pull the retina away from the back of the eye. If the retina becomes detached, you may see floating spots or flashing lights.

You may feel as if a curtain has been pulled over part of what he sees. A detached retina can cause vision loss or blindness if not taken care of it immediately.

Call your eye doctor immediately if you have any vision problems or have had a sudden change in vision.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How can Diabetes Hurt Eyes and Retinas

High blood sugar and high blood pressure, diabetes can hurt four parts of the eye:

Retina. The retina is a membrane that covers the back of the eye. Retinal function is to detect the light entering the eye.

Vitreous. The vitreous is a jelly-like fluid that fills the back of the eye.

Lens. The focus is on the front of the eye. The lens focuses light onto the retina.

Optic nerve. The optic nerve is the main nerve of the eye to the brain.

Damage to the retina occurs slowly. The retina is very small blood vessels are easily damaged. Having high blood sugar and high blood pressure for a long time can damage the small blood vessels.

First, these blood vessels swell and weaken. Some blood vessels become clogged and do not let enough blood through. At first, you may not have any loss of sight from these changes. Have a dilated eye exam once a year, but vision problems.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Do Necessary Steps for prevent diabetes eye problems

Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as normal as possible

Dilated Eye
They have an eye doctor examine your eyes once a year. Have this exam even if your vision is fine. The eye doctor will use drops to the black part of her eyes-larger students. This process is called dilation of the pupil, which allows the eye to see the back of the eye. Detect problems early and prompt treatment will help prevent more serious problems in the future.

Undilated Eye
Ask your eye care professional for signs of cataracts and glaucoma. To see other eye problems that can happen to people with diabetes? to learn more about cataracts and glaucoma.

If you are planning to become pregnant soon, ask your doctor if you should have an eye exam.

If you are pregnant and have diabetes, consult an eye care professional during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eye diabetes problems and Healthy Eye Food

Excess glucose in the blood for too long can cause diabetes problems. This blood glucose, also called blood sugar can damage parts of the body such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys. Heart and blood vessels can cause heart attacks and strokes. You can do much to prevent or delay diabetes problems.

Food for eyes healthy
  • Follow the healthy eating plan that you and your doctor or dietitian.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes most days. Ask your doctor what activities are best for you. 
  • Take your medicines as directed.
  • Check your blood glucose every day. 
  • Each time you do, write the number on the registration form. 
  • Examine your feet daily for cuts, blisters, sores, swelling, redness or sore toenails. 
  • Brush and floss every day. 
  • Control your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Know if Kidneys Fail and Causes

At first, you can not know. Kidney damage from diabetes happens so slowly that they do not feel sick at all for many years. You will not feel sick when the kidneys do only half the job of normal kidneys. You may not notice the signs of kidney failure until the kidneys have almost stopped working. However, getting the urine and blood every year can tell how well your kidneys are working.

When the kidneys fail, you may feel sick to my stomach and tired all the time. His hands and feet may swell from fluid in your body.

Causes of if kidneys fail: 

One way to treat kidney failure is dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that does the work of the kidneys before. Two types of dialysis are available. You and your doctor will decide what will work best for you.

1. Hemodialysis. In hemodialysis, blood flows through a tube in the arm to a machine that filters waste products and excess fluid. The clean blood flows back into your arm.

2. Peritoneal dialysis. In peritoneal dialysis, your belly is filled with a special liquid. The fluid collects waste products and excess blood. Then the liquid is drained from your abdomen and discarded.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Diabetes hurt Kidneys & Protect Special x-ray Tests

When the kidneys are working well, the tiny filters in the kidneys, the glomeruli, keep protein in the blood in your body. These proteins is necessary to stay healthy.
High blood sugar and high blood pressure damages the kidneys' filters. When the kidneys are damaged, protein escapes from the kidneys into the urine.

The test detects albumin in urine protein loss in urine. Damaged kidneys do not do a good job of filtering wastes and excess fluid. Waste and fluid to accumulate in the blood instead of leaving the body in urine.

Kidney damage begins long before you notice any symptoms. An early sign of kidney damage is when your kidneys leak small amounts of a protein called albumin in the urine. But the only way to know if this happens it is a urine test.

With more damage, the kidneys leak more and more proteins. Waste increasingly accumulate in the blood. This damage gets worse until the kidneys fail.

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the medical term for kidney problems caused by diabetes. DKD affects both kidneys at the same time.

protect my kidneys during special x-ray tests:

X-ray tests using a contrast material may risk your kidneys. If you need proof, the doctor may give extra fluid and medicine before and after x-rays to protect your kidneys. Or your doctor may order a test that uses a contrast agent.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keep Prevent Your Diabetes Kidney Problems

  • Keep your blood glucose as close to your goal as possible. For many people, this level is as close to normal as possible. For others, a goal of high blood glucose may be better. Ask your doctor what blood glucose numbers are healthy for you.

  • Keep your blood pressure below 130/80 to help prevent kidney damage. Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers separated by a slash. For example, 120/70 is said as "120 over 70."

  • For some people, high blood pressure goal can be better. Ask your doctor what is best for you. If you take blood pressure pills every day, take them as directed by your doctor. Keeping blood pressure under control also delay or prevent damage to the eyes, heart and blood vessels.

  • Ask your doctor about taking pills to slow down kidney damage. Two types are available:
  1. ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor
  2. ARB (angiotensin receptor blocker)

  • Follow the healthy eating plan with your doctor or dietitian. If you already have kidney problems, your dietitian may suggest that you eat less protein, especially animal products like meat, milk, cheese and eggs.

  • They have their kidneys checked at least once a year to have a urine test for protein. This test is called albumin in the urine.

  • Have your blood at least once a year for creatinine. The result of this test should be used to find the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a measure of kidney function.

  • Kidney exams that your doctor thinks you need.

  • Avoid taking painkillers regularly. Daily use of pills like aspirin or acetaminophen can damage the kidneys. Take a single dose of aspirin every day to protect the heart, however, should be safe. Take acetaminophen for pain from time to time must also be safe. But if it is chronic pain such as arthritis, work with your doctor to find a way to control pain without putting your kidneys at risk.

  • See a doctor immediately for bladder or kidney infections. You may have an infection if you have these symptoms:
  1. pain or burning when urinating
  2. frequent urge to go to the bathroom
  3. urine that looks cloudy or reddish
  4. fever or feeling shaky
  5. pain in the back or side below the ribs

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Diabetes Problems in your Kidneys

Excess glucose in the blood for a long time can cause diabetes problems. This blood glucose, also called blood sugar can damage many body organs like the heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys. Heart and blood vessels can cause heart attacks and strokes. You can do much to prevent or delay diabetes problems.

The kidneys act as filters to clean the blood. They get rid of waste and send along filtered fluid. The tiny filters in the kidneys are called glomeruli.

When kidneys are healthy, the artery brings blood and waste from the blood to the kidneys. The glomeruli clean the blood. Then, waste and excess fluid out in the urine through the ureter. The clean blood leaves the kidneys and re-enters the bloodstream through the vein.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can clogged pad blood vessels hurt my legs and feet?

Peripheral arterial disease, also called PAD, can happen when the openings of the blood vessels become narrow and the legs and feet do not get enough blood. You may feel leg pain when walking or exercising. Some people also have numbness or tingling in the feet or legs or have sores that heal slowly.

What can I do to prevent or control PAD?

  • Don't smoke.
  • Keep blood glucose and blood pressure under control.
  • Keep blood fats close to normal.
  • Be physically active.
  • Ask your doctor if you should take aspirin every day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How do narrowed blood vessels cause high blood pressure?

Narrowed blood vessels leave a smaller opening for blood to flow through. Having narrowed blood vessels is like turning on a garden hose and holding your thumb over the opening. The smaller opening makes the water shoot out with more pressure. In the same way, narrowed blood vessels lead to high blood pressure. Other factors, such as kidney problems and being overweight, also can lead to high blood pressure.

Many people with diabetes also have high blood pressure. If you have heart, eye, or kidney problems from diabetes, high blood pressure can make them worse.
A smaller opening in a garden hose makes the water pressure higher. In the same way, clogged blood vessels lead to high blood pressure.

You will see your blood pressure written with two numbers separated by a slash. For example, your reading might be 120/70, said as "120 over 70." For people with diabetes, the target is to keep the first number below 130 and the second number below 80.

If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor how to lower it. Your doctor may ask you to take blood pressure medicine every day. Some types of blood pressure medicine can also help keep your kidneys healthy.

You may also be able to control your blood pressure by
  • eating more fruits and vegetables
  • eating less salt and high-sodium foods
  • losing weight if you need to
  • being physically active
  • not smoking
  • limiting alcoholic drinks

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You can do a lot to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

Keep blood glucose under control. You can see if your blood glucose is controlled by the A1C test at least twice a year. The A1C test tells your average blood glucose over the past 2 to 3 months. The goal for most people with diabetes is below 7. In some people with heart disease or other special circumstances, your doctor may recommend slightly higher levels of A1C

Keep your blood pressure under control. Have it checked at every doctor visit. The target for most people with diabetes is below 130/80.

Keep your cholesterol under control. Have it checked at least once a year. The targets for most people with diabetes are

LDL-bad-cholesterol: below 100
HDL-good-cholesterol: above 40 in men and above 50 in women
triglycerides-another type of fat in the blood: below 150

Make physical activity part of your daily routine. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Ask your doctor about what activities are best for you. Take a half-hour walk every day. Or walk for 10 minutes after each meal. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park at the other end of the plot.

Make sure the foods you eat are "heart healthy." Include foods high in fiber, like oat bran, oatmeal, whole grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables. Reduce consumption of foods rich in saturated fat or cholesterol, such as meat, butter, fat dairy products, eggs, butter, lard, and foods with palm oil or coconut oil. Limit foods with trans fats, such as sandwiches and baked goods.

Lose weight if necessary. If you are overweight, try to exercise most days of the week. Consult a registered dietitian for help in planning meals and reducing fat and calories in your diet to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Ask your doctor about taking an aspirin every day. Studies have shown that taking a low dose of aspirin every day can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Diabetes Problems Heart and Blood vessels

Too much glucose in the blood for a long time can induce diabetes problems. This high blood glucose, also called blood sugar, can harm many parts of the body, such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes, the leading causes of death for people with diabetes. You can do a band to prevent or slow down diabetes problems.

High blood glucose can cause heart and blood vessel problems.

You will observe the things you can do each day and during each year to stay healthy and prevent diabetes problems.

Your heart and blood vessels make up your circulatory system. Your heart is a muscle that pumps blood through your body. Your heart pumps blood carrying oxygen to large blood vessels, called arteries, and small blood vessels, called capillaries. Other blood vessels, called veins, carry blood back to the heart.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What does smoking have to do with problems of diabetes

Smoking and diabetes are a dangerous combination. Smoking raises your risk for diabetes problems. If you quit smoking, you'll lower your risk for heart attack, stroke, nerve disease, and kidney disease. Your cholesterol and your blood pressure levels may improve. Your blood circulation will also improve.

Things that affect your blood glucose and circulation level
  • eating more or less than usual
  • forgetting to take your diabetes medicine
  • exercising-write down what kind and for how long
  • being sick or upset about something-being under stress
  • going to a social event or other special event, or being on vacation

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Find out Average Blood Glucose and Pressure in Body

Average Blood Glucose

If your A1C test result is on target, then your blood glucose is in a desirable range and your diabetes treatment plan is working. The lower your A1C is, the lower your chance of having health problems.

If your result is too high, you may need a change in your diabetes plan. Your health care team can help you decide what part of your plan to change. You may need to change your meal plan, your diabetes medicines, or your physical activity plan.

Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure will help prevent damage to your eyes, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. Blood pressure is written with two numbers separated by a slash. For example, 120/70 is said as “120 over 70.” The first number should be below 130 and the second number should be below 80. Keep your blood pressure as close to these numbers as you can. If you already have kidney disease, ask your doctor what is best for you.

The activity of meal planning, physical medicine and can help you reach your target blood pressure

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Will I have diabetes problems control?

What are diabetes problems?

Too much glucose in the blood for a long time can cause diabetes problems. This high blood glucose, also called blood sugar, can damage many parts of the body, such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes. You can do a lot to prevent or slow down diabetes problems.

Will I have diabetes problems?

Maybe. You may have one or more diabetes problems or none at all. If you get diabetes when you are young, you may not have diabetes problems for many years. If you find out you have diabetes as an adult, you may already have diabetes problems. Either way, keeping your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol under control can prevent diabetes problems.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hemoglobinopathies Points to Remember

  • Hemoglobinopathies are inherited hemoglobin variants caused by mutations in the globin genes.

  • The people of Africa, the Mediterranean, or Southeast Asian descent are particularly at risk for hemoglobin variants

  • Hemoglobin variants can confound the results of the A1C test, which indicates average blood glucose levels in the blood during the last 2-3 months.

  • False A1C test results can lead to false diagnosis or over-treatment or under-treatment of diabetes in people with hemoglobinopathies.

  • Information to assist in selecting the best assay methods is available from the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP).

  • The most common hemoglobin variants include hemoglobin S, C, and E.

  • People who are homozygous for a hemoglobin variant may have a disease condition - for example, those who are homozygous for the hemoglobin S variant have sickle cell anemia. Those who are heterozygous for a variant are said to have a trait or to be carriers and are usually asymptomatic.

  • A booklet for people with diabetes about hemoglobin variants and the A1C test

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hemoglobinopathies and Diabetes Effect and Diagnosis


Hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells transport and distribute oxygen to cells throughout the body. Hemoglobin is composed of heme - the portion of the molecule holding iron—and globin—a protein made up of amino acid chains.

Hemoglobin variants occur when mutations in the globin genes result in changes in the amino acids of the globin protein. Hundreds of variants have been identified; a small number of variants are common and have clinical significance. Hemoglobin variants are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Effect of Hemoglobinopathies on A1C Test Results

With some assay methods, A1C tests in patients with hemoglobinopathies answer in falsely high outcomes, overestimating actual average blood glucose levels for the previous 2 to 3 months. Physicians may then dicate more aggressive treatments, resulting in increased episodes of hypoglycemia. Some assay methods used with some hemoglobinopathies may result in falsely low outcomes, leading to under-treatment of diabetes. Confirmation with a fasting blood glucose is needed for a diagnosis of diabetes to prevent inappropriate treatment decisions.

When to Suspect that a Patient with Diabetes Has a Hemoglobinopathy

People who contain one gene for a hemoglobinopathy are often unaware. Several situations may show the presence of a hemoglobinopathy:
* when results of self-blood-glucose monitoring have a low correlation with A1C results
* when an A1C result is vary than expected
* when an A1C result is more than 15 percent
* when a patient’s A1C test result is radically different from a previous test result following a change in laboratory A1C methods

Diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies

Carrier state can easily be found by hemoglobin electrophoresis. Most states now screen for common hemoglobin variants in newborns and report results. In addition, pre-pregnancy genetic testing and prenatal screening are done in some high-risk populations or in women with a family history of a variant. Screening may also be acted in parents of children with identified variants and patients with red blood cell abnormalities, such as unexplained anemia.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Take Steps to Maintain your Mouth Healthy

If you have diabetes problems, follow these steps and Call your dentist notice problem.

* Control your blood glucose.

* Brush and floss every day.

* Visit your dentist regularly. Be sure to tell your dentist that you have diabetes.

* Tell your dentist if your dentures (false teeth) do not fit right, or if your gums are sore.

* Quit smoking. Smoking makes gum illness worse. Your physician or dentist can help you quit.

Take time to check your mouth regularly for any problems. Sometimes people notice that their gums bleed when they brush and floss. Others notice dryness, soreness, white patches, or a bad taste in the mouth. All of these are reasons to visit your dentist.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How can diabetes hurt my teeth and gums?

Tooth and gum issues can happen to anyone. A sticky film full of germs, called plaque, builds up on your teeth. High blood glucose helps germs, also called bacteria, develop. Then you can get red, sore, and swollen gums that little bleed when you brush your teeth.

People with diabetes can have tooth and gum problems more frequently if their blood glucose stays high. High blood glucose can build tooth and gum problems worse. You can still lose your teeth.

Smoking makes it more probable for you to get a bad case of gum disease, particularly if you have diabetes and are age 45 or older.

Red, sore, and bleeding gums are the begin sign of gum disease. These problems can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection in the gums and the cram that holds the teeth in place. If the infection gets worse, your gums may pull off from your teeth, making your teeth look long.

Call your local dentist if you think you have problems with your teeth or gums.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How can dentist take responsibility of my teeth and gums?

Your dentist can help you appropriate care of your teeth and gums by

* cleaning and checking your teeth two times a year
* helping you learn the good way to brush and floss your teeth
* telling you if you have problems with your teeth or gums and what to do about them
* making sure your false teeth fitness well

You may be taking a diabetes medicine that can explanation low blood glucose, also called hypoglycemia. Talk with your doctor and dentist previously the visit about the best way to take care of your blood glucose during the dental work. You may require to bring some diabetes medicine and food with you to the dentist’s office.

If your mouth is uncomfortable after the dental work, you might not be able to eat or chew for several hours or days. For guidance on how to accommodate your normal routine while your mouth is healing, ask your doctor

* what foods and drinks you should have
* how you should change your diabetes medicines
* how often you should check your blood glucose

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Diabetes problems of Teeth and Gums

Too much glucose in the blood for a years can cause diabetes problems. This high blood glucose, also called blood sugar, can harm many parts of the body, such as the eyes, heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes. You can do a lot to prevent or dumb down diabetes problems.

This information is about the tooth and gum problems caused by diabetes. You will instruct what you can do each day and during each year to stay healthy and prevent diabetes problems.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How do people know damage to own teeth and gums?

People, if you have one or more of these problems, you may have tooth and gum damage from diabetes:

  • red, sore, swollen gums

  • bleeding gums

  • gums pulling away from your teeth so your teeth look long

  • loose or sensitive teeth

  • bad breath

  • a bite that feels different

  • dentures—false teeth—that do not fit well

Monday, March 28, 2011

What should I do every day to stay healthy with diabetes?

Follow the healthy eating plan that you and your doctor or dietitian have worked out.

Be active a total of 30 minutes most days. Ask your doctor what activities are best for you.

Take your medicines as directed.

Check your blood glucose every day. Each time you check your blood glucose, write the number in your record book.

Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, sores, swelling, redness, or sore toenails.

Brush and floss your teeth every day.

Control your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Don’t smoke.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How can I clean keep my teeth and gums healthy?

* Keep your blood glucose as close to rule as possible.
* Use dental floss at least once a day. Flossing helps prevent the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Plaque can harden and grow under your gums and cause problems. Using a sawing motion, gently contribute the floss between the teeth, scraping from bottom to top several times.
* Brush your teeth after each meal and snack. Use a easy soft toothbrush. Turn the bristles against the gum line and brush gently. Use small, circular motions. Brush the front, back, and top of each tooth.

* If you wear false teeth, keep them clean.
* Call your dentist doctor right away if you have problems with your teeth and gums.
* Call your dentist if you have red, sore, or bleeding gums; gums that are pulling away from your teeth; a sore tooth that could be infected; or soreness from your dentures.
* Get your teeth cleaned and your gums checked by your dentist twice a year.
* If your dentist tells you about a problem, take care of it right away.
* Be sure your dentist knows that you have diabetes.
* If you smoke, talk with your doctor about ways to quit smoking.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Importance of International Womens Day

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is a group of delegates from each Member State to celebrate the World Womens Day. UNGA found IWD to establish the social progress and peace. International Women’s Day required the present participation and equality of women. The Women acknowledged contribution of women to international peace and security.

Some of the problems in the United Nations and International Womens Day have focused the following:

* In India, About 20,000 brides are burned to death every year because of increased dowries. The groom's family will affect the bride on fire, an accident or suicide, the groom is also free when he goes to remarry.

* In various countries, women have been raped, and sometimes killed by their individual families to protect the family's honor. Honor killings have been informed in Gulf countries.

* According to UNICEF, 100 million to 150 million girls and women have gone through female genital mutilation. Today, this female genital mutilation is took in 28 African countries, despite the truth that it is banned in a number of these nations.

* Rape as a weapon of war has been used in the world.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mottled Teeth Black & Fluoride

Maybe there was, as few local residents suggested, an ingredient in the water
supply that mottled the teeth? Black was skeptical; McKay, though, ...